
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, thoughts, and growth!

Time is Sacred Love

Time is Sacred Love

Time is sacred. Time is love. Time is sacred love. Those are the sentiments that come to mind as I relish the precious memory of my loved one –my grandmother.  There are days that fill my heart with remorse as I think back on that one crucial day in December 2007.  The day was a festive day filled with holiday cheer, family, and jovial surroundings.  I was caught in my element when I was approached with an invitation to visit my grandmother for the Christmas Eve holiday.  I considered the invitation and declined thinking I could visit at a later time.  That another opportunity would present itself to visit with my grandmother after all there was plenty of time.  Unbeknownst to me, I did not realize that her health condition had deteriorated to the point in which that particular invitation, to spend quality time with my grandmother, would be the last one afforded to me.  Or perhaps I did know but failed to acknowledge this little known fact from my subconscious.  I would later come to accept one final invitation to say good-bye.  As I whispered my farewell into her ear, I asked her to forgive me for failing to appreciate time.  For failing to connect with her in the way that matters the most to me now at this age.  I thanked her for teaching me, seeing me, and listening to me.  From her I learned hard-work, determination, to lean on hope, and the essential characteristic traits that define me as a person today – faith-filled, adventurous, compassionate, loving, smart, and courageous. I have also learned to appreciate the opportunity to live in the present and not take time for granted. 

Future Secured in the Past

Future Secured in the Past

Something you do with your hands.....